Natsu Dragneel the Dual Dragon Slayer - Chapter 9 - JTZ29 (2024)

Chapter Text

(Tracks Leading to Clover Town)

"Son of a bitch!" Erza roared, as she slammed her fist onto the armrest of the magical four wheeler she had commandeered. "I can't believe we lost Natsu again!...I can't believeIlost Natsu again." Erza said the last part in a sad tone, as she looked down at her lap. The scarlet-haired knight clenched her fists in fit of self-loathing."That'sthe second time in one day that I've lost track of Natsu. Damn it Natsu! Why'd you have to run off on your own! I should be out there helping you!"

"This...isn't the magical four wheeler we rented." Lucy observed, as she leaned out the four wheeler's open cabin."Natsu don't do anything stupid. Please just hang on, we'll be there to help you in no time."

"I'll give credit where it's due, Eisenwald sure took plenty of precautions." Gray said, glancing at Kageyama. The shadow user was seated right next to Gray. "They even destroyed our vehicle."

"*Sigh* I guess we'll have to pay for that when we get back." Lucy said, resting her head on top of her arms.

"Tch, and you stole another vehicle. How irresponsible." Kageyama said, earning a glare from Lucy.

"We're just borrowing it!" Lucy exclaimed, as she leaned back into the four wheeler. "Besides we wouldn't even have needed to borrow this one if you guys didn't blow up our old one!"

"Why did you even bring me along?" Kageyama asked dejectedly, as he looked down at his lap.

"What Natsu said was true." Lucy said, her eyes softening. "We wouldn't feel right leaving you in that abandoned town. We're gonna take you to a hospital in Clover Town. So you'd better be thankful!"

"NO!...I mean, why did you save me?! We're enemies!" Kageyama said, before a smirk spread across his face. "Oh, I got it now...You're taking me hostage so that you can negotiate with Erigor-san. Sorry, but that'd be a waste of time. Erigor-san is coldblooded. There's no way he'll make a deal with you flies."

"Ugh, is it so hard to believe that we actually want to help you?" Lucy asked herself, as she ran her hand down her face.

"You know, I can kill you right now if you want to die so badly." Gray said, as a dagger made out of ice formed in his hand. Kageyama squeaked in surprise when Gray pressed the cold blade against his throat. "Life and death aren't the only possible outcomes of a conflict, right?" Gray took the dagger away from Kageyama's throat and made it disappear. "You should all value your lives more, and you should do something positive with your lives."

Kageyama looked at the Fairy Tail mages surrounding him with a surprised look. He couldn't believe that these mages, his enemies, were treating him so well after he had just tried to kill them."Maybe they aren't flies after all."However Kageyama was shaken from his thoughts when the magical four wheeler suddenly swerved to the right. The sudden movement caused everyone in the back to fly around the cabin.

"ERZA!" Gray yelled, as he checked on his nakama. What Gray saw made him panic. Erza was hunched forward with sweat dripping off her brow, as she breathed heavily.

"My vision is getting blurry."Erza thought, as the scenery around her began to distort."I consumed to much magical power."Erza shook her head violently to wake herself back up. She grit her teeth, and continued to pump magical energy into the S.E. plug. The magical four wheeler continued to race down the tracks."Natsu please stop Erigor! I'm counting on you to hold him off until we can get there to help you! If we can't stop him...all of the guild masters in this area will die! So just hold on, and stay safe!"

(With Natsu and Erigor)

"Y-You?!" Erigor said, as he stood up and glared at Natsu. "Why are you here?!"

"To kick you skinny ass, you gentle breeze bastard!" Natsu said with a smirk, as lightning sparked off his fists. "I know your weakness now!"

"Weakness?" Erigor parroted with a smirk on his face, as he wiped some blood from his lip. "I have no weakness you insolent little fly!"

"Care to test that theory?! Come on you scrawny bitch!" Natsu exclaimed, holding up a sparking fist. "I'll fry you with my lightning, then I'll burn that damn flute into a pile of ash!"

"What happened to the wind wall...along with Kageyama and the rest!?"Erigor thought, as he clenched his teeth."I was just about to arrive where those geezers are, too!"Erigor began to make several rapid motions with his arm."These really are some bothersome flies."

"Die." Erigor said, as several blades of wind shot towards Natsu. But Erigor was shocked to see a smirk spread across Natsu's face. As the blades of wind neared, Natsu raised his lightning covered fists.

"Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Natsu began to punch the blades of wind. His lightning covered fists cut right through the wind, but like with the wind wall the blades of wind reformed shortly after Natsu struck them. The blades of wind all flew past Natsu, and struck a rock pillar behind the dragon slayer. Erigor couldn't believe his eyes, as he stared at the unscathed dragon slayer.

"Wh-What!? H-How is that possible!?" Erigor exclaimed, as he took a fearful step backwards.

"I figured it out back at Oshibana Station." Natsu said, cracking his electrified knuckles. "I shot some lightning at your wind wall, and it managed to cut through it briefly. So I figured it would work with the rest of work magic, and I guess I was right! I can negate your wind magic, so you can't touch me!"

"This idiot didn't even know if his strategy would work!?"Erigor thought, as he began to sweat."This kid is insane!"

"Aren't you cold when you're naked like that?" Natsu said, causing Erigor to raise an eyebrow. "Then let's heat things up!" Surrounding his feet in flames, Natsu shot forward like a rocket. Natsu's head became engulfed in flames, as he approached Erigor. "Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

"Holy sh*t he's fast!"Erigor thought, as Natsu's flame powered headbutt knocked the wind out of him. Before Erigor could even react Natsu was on top of him again.

"Fire Dragon's Claw!"

Natsu smashed his flaming foot on top of Erigor's head. Erigor's face smashed into the ground with an audible crunch. Natsu prepared for another attack, but Erigor rolled out of the way and propelled himself into the air. Eisenwald's Shinigami floated above Natsu, out of breath and heavily bruised.

"I'll admit you're pretty good for a fly." Erigor said, spitting some blood from his mouth. "But don't get to carried away!" Erigor began to weave through several hand signs again, causing a smirk to spread across Natsu's face. "Let's see how you like this!Storm Bringer!" A massive funnel of powerful wind raced towards Natsu. But the dragon slayer stood his ground, unafraid of the rapidly approaching wind.

"You don't learn do you?" Natsu said, as he inhaled deeply. Electricity sparked to life in the air around the dragon slayer, as his cheeks bulged. "Lightning Dragon's Roar!"

Both attacks clashed, and a battle for dominance ensued. But after a few moments, Natsu's lightning began to push back Erigor's wind. The Eisenwald mage watched in awe, as his wind was destroyed by the beam of lightning. Before the lightning could get too close, Erigor canceled his attack and moved out of the lightning's path. Starting to panic, Erigor shot towards Natsu with his scythe drawn.

"Take this!" Erigor roared, as he swung his massive blade. But to Erigor's complete and utter shock, Natsu blocked the blade with his left arm. The dragon slayer winced in pain, as the bottom of the scythe's blade started to cut into his arm."What kind of monster is this kid?! He's not human!"Again Natsu inhaled, but this time fire began to form around the dragon slayer."sh*t! It's fire this time!"

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

A stream of searing fire erupted from Natsu's mouth. Erigor managed to fly out the way in nick of time, the intense flames singeing the bottom of his clothes. Using this time escape, Erigor flew up above the dragon slayer.

"Ha! You're a sneaky one!" Natsu said, as wiped away the excess flames from his mouth. Blood was slowly trailing down Natsu's left arm, but he didn't seem to notice. "Why don't you come back down here you puss*!"

"What's with this guy? Everything he does is so random...all his attacks areunpredictable."Erigor thought, panting slightly."Is this the power of a Fairy Tail mage?"

"It seems that I have underestimated your abilities." Erigor said, as the wind started to pick up around him. "Let's fight seriously now. Just you and me."

"I don't think you fighting seriously will make any difference." Natsu said, as he sneered at Erigor.

"Let's see how co*cky you are after this." Erigor said, as his entire body became encompassed in wind. "Wind Mail. Here I come you bastard!"

"Some people never learn." Natsu said, as he engulfed his entire body in electricity.

(Back with Erza and the rest of Team Natsu)

"That flame brat must be dead by now." Kageyama said, causing Lucy to growl at him.

"Watch what you say about Natsu you dick." Lucy said, as she glared at Kageyama. "Why would say something like that anyways?"

"There's no way you can break through Erigor-san'sStorm Mailwith flames alone. Ever." Kageyama said with a co*cky smirk.

"You seem to forget one thing." Lucy said with an all too sweet smile, as she leaned forward. "Natsu can use lightning as well as fire." Kageyama's eyes widened, as he remembered the dragon slayer being able to use both flames and lightning. "Also you probably didn't notice since you were unconscious, but Natsu's lightning managed to cut threw Erigor's wind wall."

"What!? That's impossible!" Kageyama exclaimed, shock written across his face.

"Oh, it's very possible." Erza said, as she turned her head to smirk at Kageyama. "And I wager anything that Natsu is kicking Erigor's ass right now."

(Back with Natsu)

"How is this possible!?"Erigor thought, as he fell to his knees. HisStorm Maildissipated, as he felt his entire body go numb. Erigor had been hit by so much lightning that his nerves were fried, and he couldn't feel anything. The Shinigami of Eisenwald was defenseless and out of magical energy, as Natsu stood over him. The dragon's slayers entire body was surrounded in powerful electricity. Erigor hadn't been able land a single blow on Natsu. The dragon's slayer's lightning negated Erigor's attacks and managed to pierce hisStorm Mail."I can't believe dragon slayers of this caliber still exist."

Erigor gasped in shock when Natsu grabbed him by his throat. The dragon slayer lifted Erigor into the air, and glared at him. Natsu's grip slowly began to tighten around Erigor's throat. Moments later the Eisenwald mage began to gasp for air, and weakly tried to claw at Natsu's hand. But right when Erigor's vision began to fade, he felt himself roughly thrown to the grown. Erigor took several deep lungfuls of air, before he looked up at the dragon slayer with fear in his eyes.

"I could have killed you right now." Natsu said coldly, his eyes full of anger. "I could have killed you several times during our fight. But I didn't. I didn't because I'm not like you." The harshness in Natsu's words caused Erigor to flinch. "I value human life, even the life of some heartless murderer like you." The dragon slayer's word stung, and Erigor hung his head in shame. "I'd rather see you pay for you crimes, and repent for your sins, instead of simply ending your life." Natsu suddenly grabbed Erigor by his scarf, and pulled him to his feet. "You threatened to hurt my nakama: Gray, Happy, the old geezers,Erza! Lucy!Jii-chan!"A growl escaped Natsu's throat, as he said the last three names."I can never forgive you for threatening those precious to me, but I won't kill you. I'm gonna turn your pathetic ass over to the council, so they can give you proper punishment. But until then this will do!" Suddenly Natsu's fist shot forward. His fist struck Erigor in the face, knocking him unconscious. "I said I wouldn't kill. I didn't say I wouldn't knock you the f*ck out!"

As Natsu stood triumphantly over the defeated Erigor, he never noticed Lullaby lying just a few feet away. The demonic flute seemed to be leaking a small trail black smoke from its mouth, and it appeared to be chuckling slightly.

"NATSU!" Lucy and Erza yelled, as the magical four wheeler came to a skidding stop a few feet away.

"Oh, hey guys!" Natsu said with a smile, as he placed his hands on his hips. "You're all late, I've already dealt with this guy." Natsu gestured to Erigor with his thumb.

"Aye sir! Natsu was incredible!" Happy cheered, as he jumped into the air.

"Well done, Natsu." Erza said, as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"N-No way." Kageyama said to himself. "He beat Erigor-san, and he barely has a scratch on him."

Erza slowly took the S.E. plug off her wrist. But she started to step off the magical four wheeler, she suddenly clutched her throbbing head. The knight groaned and began to fall over, but Lucy quickly rushed over and grabbed her.

"Erza! Are you all right?!" Lucy asked, as she supported Erza.

"Y-Yeah, don't worry about me." Erza replied, as Lucy started to walk her towards Natsu. "I just need to catch my breath."

"H-How did you beat him so easily?" Gray asked, looking down at Erigor's unconscious form.

"I figured that since my lightning could cut through his wind wall, that it could through his other attacks." Natsu explained, as he rubbed the back of his head. "I guess I was right, because he couldn't land a hit on me. Well except this one." Natsu held up his right arm, showing the large cut on his forearm. "I kinda blocked his scythe with my arm, heheh."

"Lucy, I'm fine now. You don't help me anymore." Erza said, as Lucy released her. The scarlet haired knight made her way over to the dragon slayer with Lucy following closely behind.

"Hey Erza!" Natsu exclaimed with a massive grin on his face. "You missed it, I kicked some major ass!" Instead of words of praise, Natsu received two harsh slaps. The stunned dragon slayer looked to see Erza and Lucy both glaring at him. "What was that for!?"

"For being a reckless idiot!" Lucy yelled, as she placed her hands on her hips. "You had Erza and I seriously worried back there! You're lucky you figured out Erigor's weakness! If you hadn't, you could have seriously been hurt Natsu." The blonde could feel tears stinging the corners of her eyes. "Do you know how devastated I would have been if you had been seriously hurt! We just reunited after not seeing each other for seven years!" Natsu was surprised when Lucy launched her arms around him. "Natsu, you're my first and best friend. I can't lose you."

"I-I'm sorry Luce." Natsu said in a shocked tone, as he wrapped his arms around Lucy. "I didn't know that I made you worry so much." Natsu released Lucy, and gave her a soft smile. "I'll try to warn you before I run off to do something stupid again."

"That's all I ask." Lucy said, she wiped away her tears. A smile spread across her face, as she playfully punched Natsu's arm. "Just let me know, so I can stop your stupid ass next time."

"Lucy's right Natsu." Erza said, as she crossed her arms under her chest. The scarlet haired woman avoided the dragon slayers gaze. "You're my best friend as well, and I was seriously worried about you. So next time you decide to run off, and fight some mass-murdering asshole please let tell me." Erza clenched her fists around her arms. "I should have been here to help you fight."

"Erza." Natsu said softly, but the knight still avoided his gaze. "Please Erza look at me." With a deep sigh, Erza relented and looked at Natsu. "I'm sorry that I worried you. You're the last person that I want to worry. I know you don't want to hear this, but you were in no condition to help me." Natsu's words caused Erza to hang her head. But the dragon slayer gently cupped her chin and raised her head. "Erza please don't get yourself down. You used a lot of magical energy driving us to Oshibana and fighting those Eisenwald mages. The last thing I wanted was you to overexert yourself and get hurt. You just have to trust me to handle things on my home sometimes."

"Alright Natsu." Erza said, as she hugged Natsu. "You really did do an amazing job. Because of you the guild masters are safe now."

"Thanks Erza." Natsu said, as he tightened the hug. "Hey, since we're already here we might as well go see Jii-chan. We can tell him everything that happened."

"That sounds like-" Erza was cut off when the sound of an engine roaring to life came from the Fairy Tail mages. All the Fairy Tail mages were shocked to see Kageyama behind the wheel.

"Kageyama what the hell are you doing?!" Erza exclaimed, just as Kageyama started to race down the tracks. Natsu quickly grabbed Lucy and Erza and dove out of the vehicles path.

"You were careless, flies." Kageyama laughed, as his shadow scooped up Lullaby. "The flute...Lullaby is in my hands now! Serves you right, haha!"

"You son of a bitch!" Natsu roared, as flames exploded off his body.

"How could he do that?!" Lucy yelled, as she shook her fist at Kageyama's retreating vehicle. "We even saved his ungrateful ass!"

"We're going after him." Erza growled, causing everyone to nod in agreement.

(Clover Town)

Kageyama panted as he stepped off the magical four wheeler. He had managed to make it where the guild masters were having their regular meeting. The shadow user breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the meeting was still going on.

"Good...the regular meeting isn't over yet. Lullaby's melody can reach them without any trouble from this distance. Heheh, the time as come."Kageyama was shaken from his thoughts when he felt a hand land on his shoulder. The hand then poked Kageyama's cheek. Kageyama quickly spun around to see Makarov, master of Fairy Tail, sitting on the magical four wheeler right behind him.

"Bwhahaha!" Makarov laughed, as he pointed at Kageyama. But Makarov suddenly stopped, and a look of dread spread across his face. "No, it's not time to do this. I've gotta hurry up, and find where Natsu, Gray, and Erza are. Otherwise a whole town might disappear." Makarov jumped off the four wheeler, and turned to Kageyama. "You should go back, too. To the hospital I mean."

"Makarov! He's Makarov from Fairy Tail!"Kageyama thought, as he began to sweat."Tch...what a day, meeting flies everywhere."

"U-Uh excuse me." Kageyama said timidly.

"Hrm?" Makarov said, turning back around. please listen to one song?" Kageyama said, as he raised Lullaby to his lips. "The hospital won't let me play." Makarov gave Kageyama a suspicious look. "I really want someone to listen to it."

"That's one creepy looking flute kid." Makarov said, giving the flute a wary look.

"It may look creepy, but it sounds pretty good." Kageyama explained with a smile.

"*Sigh* I'm in a hurry. Only one song, okay?" Makarov asked, wagging his finger.

"Of course." Kageyama said, as a victorious smirk spread across his face. As Kageyama brought the flute to his lips, he remembered the words of his guild mates.

"Legal guilds are all trash!"

"They're so weak, but they're still proud of themselves!"

"This our revenge on the world of mages that locked us up in darkness, and took away our lives! We'll kill all the guild masters around here to start!"

But then Kageyama remembered everything the Fairy Tail mages had said to him.

"Your rights will never be returned if you do something that awful!"

"You should do something positive with you lives."

"Kageyama! We need your help!"

"Aren't you nakama from the same guild!"

Kageyama grit his teeth, as he began to hesitate. He was having conflicting thoughts. He wanted to kill the guild masters for what they had done to his guild. But at the same time he couldn't ignore the kindness that the Fairy Tail mages had show him, even though he was one of their enemies. Without them he would likely be dead. Just then Team Natsu arrived at the scene.

"There he is!"



"Shh!" Bob, master of Blue Pegasus, said as he blocked the Fairy Tail mages path. "The best part is coming up. Just watch. My, my you two are cute." Bob said, as he eyed Natsu and Gray. Both Fairy Tail mages felt their skin begin to crawl.

"W-Who is this guy?" Lucy asked with a sweatdrop.

"You're the master of Blue Pegasus!" Erza said in a shocked tone.

"My, Erza-chan you've grown." Bob said, placing his hand on his face. "You too Natsu-kun."

"What's going on? Hurry up and play." Makarov said, as he started to get impatient. But Kageyama still hesitated to play the flute. Kageyama's hands began to shake, as sweat poured off his brow.

"No! Master get away!" Erza exclaimed, but Goldmine stopped her.

"Just stay quiet. This should be interesting." Goldmine said with a smirk.

"Now." Makarov ordered, as he glared at Kageyama. Everyone watched with baited breath as Kageyama pressed the back to his lips.

"Play...I just need to play the damn thing. Everything will change after that!"Kageyama thought, as he clenched his eyes shut.

"Nothing will change." Makarov said, causing Kageyama's eyes to shoot wide open. "Weaklings will stay weak forever. But weakness is not an evil thing, since human beings are weak creatures to begin with. Alone you feel afraid and insecure; that's why we form guilds. That's why we have nakama." Slowly Kageyama lowered the flute away from his mouth. "We walk together in order to live a strong life. The clumsy ones will run into more walls than others and it may take them longer to get there. If you believe in tomorrow and put yourself out there, you can naturally obtain your strength. That's how you'll be able to smile and live strong, without having to depend on such a flute, of course."

A sharp gasp escaped Kageyama's throat."Amazing...He kneweverything."Tears fell from Kageyama's eyes, as he collapsed to his knees. He hung his head in shame before Makarov.

"I admit my loss." Kageyama said, as he kneeled before Fairy Tail's master.

"Master!" All the Fairy Tail mages yelled, as they ran towards Makarov.

"WHAT!? Why are you guys here?!" Makarov exclaimed in shock, his eyes bulging.

"You're amazing, Master!" Erza said, as she hugged Makarov. "Your words touched me!" Makarov grunted in pain, as his head thudded against Erza's armored chest.

"Jii-chan you're awesome." Natsu said with a grin, as he patted Makarov's head.

"I would advise you stop doing that, Natsu." Makarov said, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Well I guess that settles everything." Gray said, putting his hands in his pockets.

Lucy kneeled down next to Kageyama. An annoyed look was spread across the blonde's face. With a huff Lucy patted Kageyama's shoulder.

"Come on, let's go see a doctor now." Lucy said, earning a weak nod from Kageyama.

But suddenly everyone stopped when a menacing laugh sounded next to Kageyama. Everyone present looked to see Lullaby oozing a thick black smoke from the skull on the end of the flute.

"You mages have no guts." Lullaby said, startling everyone. "I can't hold it any longer. I'll kill you all myself."

"T-The flute talked!" Lucy exclaimed fear evident in her tone.

"Look! The smoke is a shape!" Happy shouted, as the smoke began to take shape.

Everyone watched as the smoke began to form a massive body, that towered over all the mages present. The smoke then began to materialize and become solid. What the smoke formed shocked everyone. A massive tree-like monster with three glowing red eyes loomed over the mages.

"This is my true form!" Lullaby said with a dark chuckle. "Now...let me consume your pitiful souls."

"I-It can't be." Erza said, taking a step back.

"A MONSTER!" Happy yelled, as he hid behind Natsu.

"Wh-What is that?!" Kageyama asked, as he stared at the monster towering over them. "I didn't know anything about this!"

"Oh my...this is gotten rather serious." Bob said, covering his mouth with his hand.

"That thing is a demon from the book of Zeref!" Goldmine exclaimed, as he broke out in a cold sweat.

"I'm starving to death, so I'm gonna eat your souls." Lullaby said, causing Natsu to growl.

"What?!" Natsu yelled, as he glared at the demon. But then Natsu turned to Gray. "Are souls even edible? Do they taste good?"

"How the f*ck would I know?!" Gray yelled, as he smacked Natsu upside the head.

" going on? How could a demon come out of a flute?" Lucy asked, turning to face Goldmine.

"That demon is Lullaby itself. Meaning it's living magic." Goldmine explained, as Lullaby began to walk towards them. "That's Zeref's magic."

"Living magic..." Erza said, as she glared at Lullaby.

"Zeref?! You're talking about the Zeref from ancient times!?" Gray exclaimed in shock.

"The dark mage Zeref. The evilest magian the history of magic..." Bob explained, pressing a hand to his cheek. "I never thought that his works from several hundred years ago would appear."

"Now...Whose soul should I enjoy first?" Lullaby asked itself, as it raked its three eyes over all the mages present.

"Well Erza, you said you wanted to fight by my side earlier." Natsu said with a smirk, cracking his knuckles. "Now's your chance."

"I've regained most of my magical energy, so I'm good to go." Erza said with a nod of her head.

"I've decided." Lullaby said with an evil smirk. "ALL OF YOURS!" The demon opened its mouth, and began to produce a sickly sound.

"NO! That's the Lullaby!" Goldmine shouted, as he covered his ears.

"Ready to go?" Natsu asked Gray and Erza. Both mages nodded, causing a grin to spread across Natsu's face. "Then let's f*ck this demon bastard up!"

The three Fairy Tail mages launched forward towards the demon. Erza quickly re-equipped into herHeaven's Wheelarmor, and using her numerous swords, began to slash at Lullaby's legs. Lullaby attempted to smash Erza with its massive hand, but she dove to safety at the last moment. While Lullaby was distracted with Erza, Natsu was scaling up the demon's body.

"Don't take your eyes off your opponents!" Natsu roared, as he jumped into the air above Lullaby. "Fire Dragon's Claw!" Natsu's flaming roundhouse kick sent the demon reeling backwards. But Lullaby quickly recovered from the attack.

"You impudent little fool!" Lullaby roared, firing several balls of energy at Natsu.

"sh*t!" Natsu exclaimed, as he jumped out of the way. The balls of energy missed Natsu, but were now heading towards a group of bystanders.

"Ice Make..." Gray said, punching his palm. Ice magic freezing the air around him. "Shield!" A large flower shaped shield appeared in front of Gray, and protected him and the bystanders.

"Wow! He's able to use creation magic that fast!?" One of the bystanders yelled in awe.

"Ice Make Lance!" Dozens of spears made out of ice shoot out of Gray's hands. The razor sharp ice spears raced towards Lullaby. When the spears hit, they took a large chunk of Lullaby's body.

"What destructive power!" Lucy exclaimed shocked by the strength of Gray's attack.

"ERZA! NOW!" Gray yelled, as he fired another volley of ice spears.

"Re-equip!Black Wing Armor!" Erza yelled, as she swapped into a new set of armor. Around Erza's neck was a neck guard decorated by several gems. Her long scarlet hair was tied up in a high ponytail, with two bangs framing her face. Her large shoulderpads, each composed of two silver-edged plates one over the other, sporteded silver crosses on them too, and flank the high collar. A silver-edged breastplate revealed a fair amount of Erza's cleavage and belly, with plates flanking her hips and reaching down to her very large waistguard, composed of very long, silver-edged plates shaped like feathers and decorated by silver crosses. The waistguard left the front of Erza's body exposed, with her groin being covered by a dark garment. The slim gauntlets on her arms came equipped with prominent protection for her hands, each sporting silver patterns. The plates guarding her legs were sliver-edged on her thighs and knees, but pitch black dark on her metal greaves. But the most noticeable feature of the armor was the large pair of wings protruding from the back.

"Black Wing Armor!?" A bystander exclaimed in surprise. "That armor increase the user's attack power!"

As Erza flew towards Lullaby, Natsu once again ran up the demon's body. The demon tried to swat off the dragon slayer, but Natsu jumped into the air. Natsu growled, as flames engulfed both of his hands.

"With flames on my right hand, and flames on the left..." Natsu slammed his hands together, causing the flames to merge together. A massive ball of fire formed over Natsu's head. "Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!"

As Natsu's fireball shot towards Lullaby, Gray and Erza prepared there own attacks. Erza, using her enhanced attack power, cut one of Lullaby's arms clean off. Gray launched another volley of ice spears, severing part of Lullaby's abdomen. Finally Natsu's massive fireball hit, destroying most of Lullaby's head. The demon stood for a few moments, before it fell to the ground, its body a smoking heap.

"Excellent." Makarov said, as he watched the demon fall. Lullaby collapsed, crushing the building where the master's were holding there regular meeting.

"Zeref's demon defeated fairly easily." Ooba Babasaama, guild master of Lamia Scale, said as she gazed at the Fairy Tail mages. "I'm quite impressed."

Lucy couldn't help the massive smile that spread across her face, as she watched her nakama emerge from the smoke. Natsu, Erza, and Gray stood triumphantly amongst Lullaby's remains."They're incredible! Especially Natsu and Erza!"

"This is truly Fairy Tail's strongest team!" Lucy cheered, as she clapped her hands together.

"What do you guys think?! Aren't they great!?" Makarov yelled, as he jumped in the air.

"You guys are the best!" Lucy exclaimed, as she ran up to the three mages. "Especially you Natsu! That last move you pulled was amazing! And Erza that armor was so cool!"

"It was nothing." Natsu and Erza said simultaneously, as they bumped fists.

"I'm here too you know." Gray said with a frown.

"Oh you were awesome too Gray." Lucy said in an embarrassed tone.

"Tch, whatever." Gray said, as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

Kageyama felt tears form in his eyes, as he watched the victorious Fairy Tail mages celebrate. Seeing the camaraderie between the mages made Kageyama regret his past choices. However Kageyama yelled in pain when he was suddenly embraced by Bob.

"Now you have to see a doctor." Bob said, as he scratched Kageyama's chin. A shiver ran down the shadow user' spine. "Right?"

"I have no idea why this happened, but we owe Fairy Tail one." Goldmine said with a grin.

"Don't worry about it! HAHA!" Makarov cheered, with a massive smile on his face. But the smile instantly disappeared, as Makarov saw the destruction that lay behind everyone. The regular meeting site was completely destroyed. Makarov's eyes widened, as he began to sneak away from everyone. It was then that the rest of the Fairy Tail mages noticed the destruction as well. Erza and Lucy quickly covered their mouths to hide their squeaks of surprise.

"The regular meeting site has crumbled to dust!" Goldmine yelled, as his mouth hung open.

"HAHA! We completely wrecked that place!" Natsu laughed with his hands on his hips. "I've done way worse though."

"Get them!" The peter guild masters yelled, as they chased after the Fairy Tail mages.

"Master...we're really sorry." Erza said, as she grabbed Natsu. The knight pulled the dragon slayer along, as they ran away from the mob of angry guild masters. "We've disgraced you."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Makarov said, as he dodged a throw object. "I don't think they'll invite me back next time."

"AHAHA! I love this guild!" Natsu exclaimed with a gleeful smile, as he ran ahead of everyone. "Come on Erza, Lucy we have to hurry back and tell everyone how much ass we kicked!"

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Lucy said with a smile, as she ran after Natsu, giggling the whole way.

"It will be nice to tell Mira about what happened." Erza said with a smile, as she picked up her pace.

(Back at Fairy Tail)

"What'cha got there Mira?" Elfman asked, as he walked up to the bar.

"Oh, it's a book I borrowed from Levy." Mirajane answered, as she adjusted her glasses.

"What's the book about?" Elfman asked, his interest now sparked.

"It's about dragons and dragon slayer." Mira replied, as she flipped a page.

"Huh?" Elfman said, as he leaned over the bar so that he could see what Mira was reading. What he saw caused him to raise an eyebrow. "Dragon mating and its relation to dragon slayers? Why would you be reading about that?"

"Oh I was just curious about something." Mira replied with an innocent smile."Mmm, there was some very interesting stuff in here. I'll have to have a chat with Lucy when she gets back. If the both of us work together, maybe we'll be able to convince Erza."

Natsu Dragneel the Dual Dragon Slayer - Chapter 9 - JTZ29 (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.