Whether you are a player or not, these softball quotes will surely teach you a thing or two about life.
Softball is a bat-and-ball team sport that originated from indoor baseball. Although its name makes it look easy, it is actually a more demanding and more fast-paced sport than the one it was developed from.
With larger balls and a smaller playing field, it is a game that requires a lot of teamwork and fast decision-making skills. Softball is very similar to life because sharpening the abilities you can learn from the game will help you whenever things get too tough and overwhelming. Through it, we strengthen our will and practice the perseverance that we will need in reality.
So, don’t miss out on reading these wise quotes about softball. Keep reading below to know why this sport is an excellent way to learn about life.
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And don’t forget to check out these Jennie Finch quotes and baseball quotes.
Best Softball Quotes
1. “Softball is from the top of the heart. Every game you play, it’s played by love in your heart.” – Anonymous
2. “Softball goals are attained not by strength but by perseverance.” – Anonymous
3. “Softball is like love. First, you learn the rules of the game, and then, you forget the rules and play from your heart.” – Anonymous
4. “In softball, it’s not how good you are but how good you want to be.” – Anonymous
5. “Softball isn’t a one-woman sport. There are 11 other girls who become your sisters, and don’t forget that you win as a team and lose as a team.” – Anonymous
6. “Sweat dries, blood clots, bones heal, suck it up, princess. This is softball.” – Anonymous
7. “Life will always throw you curves. Just keep fouling them off, the right pitch will come, and when it does, be prepared to run the bases.” – Sara Ann Nielsen
8. “Try not to get lost in comparing yourself to others. Discover your gifts and let them shine! Softball is amazing that way as a sport. Everyone on the field has a slightly different ability that makes them perfect for their position.” – Jennie Finch
9. “Bruised, bloody, broken, all for this sport. I’ll never hold back. I play it, love it, and live it. Softball, my sport, my love, my life.” – Anonymous
10. “Softball is life with the volume turned up. How loud is your game? Crank it up!” – Anonymous
Famous Softball Quotes
11. “Softball has given me so much in life. It’s taught me the kind of person I want to be and given me a sweet sisterhood. It even led me to my husband.” – Jennie Finch
12. “In softball, go hard every play. You don’t want to leave anything behind and regret it years down the road that you didn’t give it all when you could have.” – Ashley DeBuhr
13. “We play this game, softball, with emotion and love. Coach always says, ‘Emotionally, physically, mentally, come to the field prepared because if you don’t bring that to the field, you’re going to get beat.'” – Laura Berg
14. “Your body is not made to throw like we throw. That’s why you see softball pitchers pitching two or three games a day. It’s a natural movement in softball. In baseball, it’s not a natural movement.” – Jamie Moyer
15. “When we’d play softball, I’d steal second base, feel guilty and go back.” – Woody Allen
16. “Softball girls aren’t afraid of a little dirt.” – Anonymous
17. “Four bases, three strikes, two teams, one winner. It’s not just a game but a way of life. Softball, this is my destiny.” – Anonymous
18. “There is a way to play this game physically, but it’s the mental part that’s going to separate gold from silver and silver from bronze.” – Lisa Fernandez
19. “What I love about the game is that the game doesn’t know who is supposed to win.” – Sue Enquist
20. “You spend your whole life gripping a softball, and you realize it’s been gripping you too.” – Anonymous
21. “The softball gods giveth and the softball gods taketh away, but that evens out over the season.” – Yvette Girouard
22. “Realize this, we aren’t going to be perfect with our outcomes or results in this game of failure we call softball. However, every time you are in a pressure situation, it’s a chance to prove that you’re in the ‘perfect’ frame of mind. The ‘success’ and ‘failure’ comes from being in the right frame of mind and giving yourself a chance to have success when the big moment comes. It doesn’t always necessarily come with the outcome, despite what all eyes watching might think. Results will come once the frame of mind has been altered.” – Amanda Scarborough
Also read: Famous Quotes, Positive Quotes
Inspirational Softball Quotes
23. “To some, softball is a game. To others, it’s life.” – Jennie Finch
24. “Play every softball game like it is your last!” – Anonymous
25. “When you focus on getting the win, it can suffocate you, especially during the playoffs when the pressure gets thick.” – Sue Enquist
26. “Hey, softball pitcher, be that player that coaches warn their team about.” – Anonymous
27. “Softball gives girls a chance to show the boys how it’s really done.” – Anonymous
28. “Be that pitcher that every hitter is afraid to face.” – Anonymous
29. “Your softball goals should be out of reach but never out of sight.” – Anonymous
30. “When you dive into college softball, your life is changing dramatically, and you’ve got to be ready for that. It’s not easy, and it’s frustrating. And there’s a lot of hard about it. Life needs to be hard in order for you to know how to be triumphant.” – Patty Gasso
31. “It’s always about wanting to one-up myself from the day before. There’s never an absolute 100% performance, but going out and striving for that perfect performance is what keeps me going.” – Cat Osterman
Also read: Encouraging Quotes, Inspirational Quotes
Softball Quotes to Give You the Motivation You Need to Win
32. “Softball is life. The rest is just details.” – Anonymous
33. “Softball is an easy sport to fall in love with because our game is fast-paced and action-packed.” – Yvette Girouard
34. “Softball: blood, sweat, and tears, and you still want more.” – Anonymous
35. “I think an athlete’s mental state is what separates the goods from the greats! Being able to have a short-term memory when failure hits is a taught skill and should be something that is practiced daily on exactly how you as an individual handle failure. In our sport, failure happens far too often, so you have to perfect bouncing back fast!” – Natasha Watley
36. “Don’t let the name of softball fool you, be ready to play hardball.” – Anonymous
37. “If you love that three-two pitch, that diving catch, the dirt in your hair, the face of your opponent, and that slide into home that won the game but also gave you one horrible bruise, then you’re a true softball player.” – Anonymous
Short Softball Quotes That Will Always Be Cool
38. “Softball is for everyone. Fastpitch is for athletes.” – Anonymous
39. “Softball, it’s more than just a game!” – Coach Dave
40. “Softball is not for softies.” – Anonymous
41. “We play softball, but we ain’t going soft on you.” – Anonymous
42. “If you don’t play fastpitch, don’t say you play softball.” – Anonymous
43. “The softball pitcher’s motto: stay calm and throw strikes.” – Anonymous
Softball Quotes That Are Filled With Lessons From Players and Coaches
44. “You can’t always control the circumstances, only how you react to those circumstances. You can always control your attitude and your effort.” – Jennie Finch
45. “We play this game with emotion and love. Coach always says, ‘Emotionally, physically, mentally, come to the field prepared.’ Because if you don’t bring that to the field, you’re going to get beat.” – Laura Berg
46. “Take it one pitch at a time. Take it one day at a time.” – Amanda Scarborough
47. “Even when you’ve played the game of your life, it’s the feeling of teamwork that you’ll remember. You’ll forget the plays, the shots, and the scores, but you’ll never forget your teammates.” – Deborah Palmore
48. “When I’m in the game, softball, it’s not so much mechanics. It’s more of just trusting my teammates, trusting myself, trusting my preparation that we’ve put in to get there. When you’re in the game, it’s go-mode. There’s going to be times when you’re tweaking things, but when you’re in that game mode, you just want to think about that one next pitch.” – Jennie Finch
49. “It’s a game of making great pitches at the right time, being opportunistic by getting a run at the right time and playing good defense.” – Mike Candrea
50. “That’s part of fastpitch softball, being able to move runners and execute the short game. It’s a very quick game. Sixty feet, you bobble it once, and these kids are going to be safe. You have to play quick, but you can’t be in a hurry.” – John Rittman
51. “It’s not just any sport. It’s not just throwing a ball, hitting, and running. I live with the cheering of my players while I’m up to bat. I live with the red stitches of the softball rubbing against my fingers when I snap my wrist and let it fly. I live with mistakes every day in it, and I love learning them. I live on the pitcher’s mound, where I need complete confidence in myself. I live with snapping my wrist to the catcher and getting the batter out, a perfect strike. I live not only for my teammates but for myself. I live for fastpitch softball.” – K.M
52. “Anything worthy of your passion should be worthy of your preparation.” – Sue Enquist
Funny Softball Quotes
53. “If you are dating a softball player, raise your hands. If you are not, raise your standards.” – Anonymous
54. “I may be wearing makeup, but I can throw a fastball by you at the same time.” – Jennie Finch
55. “Softball: where good girls steal.” – Anonymous
56. “Playing fastpitch softball against me is as close to death as you’re gonna get.” – Anonymous
57. “If it were easy, they’d call it baseball.” – Anonymous
More Softball Quotes for People Who Want to Play the Sport
58. “Softball player, a girl who, once steps onto the field, is transformed from daddy’s little girl into a fierce, unrelenting competitor who will stop at nothing in order to win a game. Characteristically, with dirt all across her face, ratted sweaty hair, bloody knees, and dirt-stained socks and uniform. She’s a diligent hard worker who knows the real meaning of teamwork, spirit, and fearing nothing. Contradictorily, she personifies all of this while she still wears cute, color-coordinated hair ribbons and sleeve straps.” – Anonymous
59. “I do my job on the mound and then do what I can at the plate, always working on helping the team any way I can.” – Jennie Finch
60. “I loved being on the field playing and teaching softball. I didn’t like the fact that a camp had my name on it, and I didn’t know the logistics of what was going on. I wanted to make sure I was involved in a camp that did things right.” – Jennie Finch
What Are Your Experiences in Playing Softball?
Playing softball means going under intense pressure while moving and thinking fast. Aside from the time and competition, the small field and strategy of the competing team can affect the players a lot.
In a way, it is a sport that will let you experience the toughness of life. It shows us the overwhelming pressure that will either discourage or pump us up to help us reach success. Moreover, it also prepares us for the bigger things that will significantly impact us and our future.
Hopefully, these softball quotes were able to help you reflect on the similarities between the game and life. Like the players, always remember to keep hitting, running, and fighting. Give your all, no matter how hard it gets!
Which softball quote is your favorite? Are you a fan of softball? Comment below!
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